Paul Williams - Master Chocolatier - Choc Amor and The Chocolate Rooms.

Paul starting making chocolate after taking a brave decision to give up a career in high finance for artisan chocolate. The business has grown from strength to strength, initially just farmers markets, then a unit at Botany Bay in Chorley and now a destination chocolate cafe experience in Tarleton. Several of Paul's unique chocolate flavours have been nominated for awards and the business itself was also nominated in the BIBA's too.

Passionate about great artisan chocolate and also local produce, you must find time to visit The Chocolate Rooms, Botany Bay or catch up with him at a Farmers Market and sample his fantastic wares.

So on to the answers to the questions
- What is your favourite cookery or food book or publication ?
- What sentence sums up Lancashire Food to you ?
- If you weren't doing what you do now, what would you like to be ?
This is already my second chance at a career, and I absolutely adore being Willy Wonka every day.
- Which piece of kit could you not do without ?
- Who would join you at your ultimate dinner party and why?
Robin Williams for the laughter, Jean Pierre Wybauw so I could pick his brains on chocolate and Stephen Fry as I just like the knowledge this man holds in his head.
- What advice would you give to your younger self ?
- Describe your style in three words
- What was your latest foodie gadget purchase ?
Impulse Hand sealer, so that I can bag chocolate bars in their plastic bags for greater freshness.
- What is your greatest achievement to date ?
Setting up Choc Amor at The Chocolate Rooms all without borrowing any money. If you haven't got it then you can't spend it !
- What is the worst mistake you have made ?
Lending money thinking I would be rich because it was too good an opportunity to miss. Oooops didn't that go wrong! Fools and money.
- Tell us a secret about yourself ? may be something we wouldn't expect !
Even though on the outside I may appear to be an extrovert, really I am an introvert who has learned to live in an extrovert society. I like peace and quiet, I can count my friends on one hand and would prefer to spend time with them over a great meal and a bottle of wine (or 3)

The Chocolate Rooms can be found in Tarleton Village, just off the A59 on church Road . They are open Tuesday through to Sunday.
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