Mr Lancashire Food has been oh so kind and bought me an early christmas pressie already, the latest work from Jamie Oliver (JO). Save with Jamie, features a selection of frugal recipes which aim to be popular with all the family, first impressions suggest this will be as popular as all his other books, of which I have quite a few.
To a lot of people Jamie Oliver can be a bit like marmite, you either love him or you hate him, personally I think that despite JO being a multi millionaire he has his feet firmly placed on the ground and admire the works he has done with young people and also with families encouraging them to get home cooking again.
The first recipe I chose to attempt from this book was his squash and spinach rotolo, JO's books always have a good Italian content and this one is no different, he has re invented one of his previous recipes from Jamie's Italy and made it more frugal by upping the vegetable content and more healthy too.
The recipe for the rotolo can be found here and its a recipe I would definitely make again as it made tasty supper dish, as always JO recipes are generous.
Its a lovely book, my only compliant is that its a bit lacking on the dessert front, otherwise it a great book and one that I am happy to have on my bookshelf. In the next few weeks I'll be cooking more from the book, again like some of his other books he uses mothership recipes to springboard to linked recipes using the leftovers from the mothership in other dishes. There is plenty of vegeterian choice as well as meat and fish dishes and most of these are pretty frugal.
On another note this is a cracking photo by Mr LF, in my humble opinion even better than the one in the book by the mighty Mr David Loftus no less.

Awesome ! love this post
This looks like such a healthy meal, and it must be cheap as it's taken from Save with Jamie. A winner all around x
I agree with you about Jamie Oliver. Although he's a wealthy man I can't help feeling that he genuinely wants to improve the way people eat and cook.
Catching the occasional glimpse of what the average shopper puts in their trolley in our local Tesco, I can't help feeling he's also fighting a losing battle. Cooking from scratch is still a minority activity for too many people. I saw a young couple with a toddler put 14 packs of instant porridge in their trolley, the kind that you just add hot water to. The cost is probably ten times that of normal porridge, or even the microwave packets.
I couldn't agree more than the comment about porridge, just how hrad is it to pour milk in a bowl, maybe a little syrup or honey and cook for a couple of minutes in the microwave ! So much more healthy and you can buy a big bag of porridge oats for very little money.
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