One of my favourite all time recipes is a delightfully simple yogurt loaf cake which is so simple that you don't even need scales. When I went gluten free I had doubts that this recipe would convert well to being made with non wheat flour, how wrong was I !
With a couple of little tweaks this recipe has successfully made the switch to gluten free, the recipe makes 2 x 2lb tin loaves, or one 2lb tin loaf and a small bundt cake. You now have a cake for the freezer, and one on ice for if you ever need a quick cake when guests arrive with little notice. Its really difficult to tell that this cake is gluten free, its not gritty or grainy unlike other recipes.
So here's the tweaked recipe
What you need
- 1 pot of yogurt (plain, vanilla, lemon, strawberry whatever you like)
- 3 pots of gluten free self raising flour (or plain with 2 tsp baking powder)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 1/2 pots of caster sugar
- 1 pot of vegetable oil ( I use coconut oil or sunflower)
- 3 eggs - free range
- 1/2 tsp xanthum or guar gum (not absolutely necessary but helps crumb structure)
- 2 x 2lb loaf tins lined or 1 loaf tin and one small bundt tin oiled
What you do
- Mix all ingredients together until you have a smooth batter, its really easy in a mixer
- Pour into prepared tins and smooth level
- Bake in a pre heated oven at 170c for about 45 minutes until golden and well risen
- Cool in the tins, to remove bundt upend tin gingerly with a gentle tap and the cake should release.
- I iced the bundt using a simple glace icing - using sieved icing sugar and water, I then sprinkled with freeze dried raspberries.