Sunday, 24 April 2016

Cakes Regional and Traditional - Julie Duff

In what seems ages ago I was kindly sent a copy of a the lovely Cakes, Regional and Traditional by Julie Duff by the publisher - Grub Street. I love a good recipe book and this was let me tell is fab, its stuffed full to the gunnels with over 200 recipes for some fantastic British Cakes. 
Handily the book is divided into small and large cakes both regional and country (meaning baked across the country), there is also a section dedicated to Ginger cakes too. The recipes are throughly researched and you get the feeling that these are recipes that have been handed down through the generations and all the ones I have baked from so far have been very reliable.

 Now avaliable in paperback its a great addition to my extensive cookery book collection (bookcases now groaning !). I am pleased to note that there are all the Lancashire favourites featured and also a couple of more unusual ones too, the only little niggle with the book being not every recipe being illustrated.

Pictured are the Lancashire Teacakes which feature in the book and are for the unitatited a little like a fruited scone , using strong bread flour but raised using baking powder. They were very tasty served buttered and disappered quickly.

The book is avaliable from any good local book seller - ISBN-978-1-910690-06-2 published by Grub Street.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Love Chin Chin - review and giveaway

Love Chin Chin is a tasty West African snack food sensation, based on a traditional family recipe this scrummy treat is very moreish. Crunchy yet cakey Love Chin Chin is avaliable in four flavours, vanilla, cinnamon, lemon and chilli.

"Crunches like a biscuit and tastes like cake"

The 70g packs feature only natural ingredients and are decorated with ethnically inspired motifs. Love Chin Chin is avaliable in 400 ASDA stores and 90 Tesco stores.

Popular with the whole family Love Chin Chin is not too sweet or too salty and is delicious with a coffee and ideal for lunch boxes.

We particularly enjoyed the cinnamon and vanilla flavours and loved the crunch yet cakey mouth feel, definately a satisfying snack. The Great news is that you too can try Love Chin Chin as we have a case of 24 packs to giveaway in an easy enter rafflecopter draw.

Rules for giveaway

We have one case to giveaway (this can be either single flavour or a mixed case) - 24 packs in a case, this can only be posted to UK addresses and will be sent direct from Love Chin Chin.
  • Simply follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter widget above. 
  • To be in with a chance of winning you must complete ALL the required fields. 
  • All entries will be checked and verified before a winner is announced. 
  • You can increase your chances of winning by Tweeting on a daily basis. 
  • Rafflecopter will pick a random winner. 
  • The competition runs until the 17/04/16
  • If you win, you MUST send me your delivery details and choice of case quickly and within 24 hours or the prize will be passed to the next person drawn. 
Please see the Terms and Conditions on the Rafflecopter widget for the rules and more information.

The Prize for this giveaway is provided by Love Chin Chin who will send the item direct to the winner.
                                                              Love Chin Chin

Friday, 1 April 2016

Chris & Christine Thomasson - Rivington Chocolates

Partners Chris and Christine  Thomasson are Horwich based artisan chocolatiers who formed  Rivington Chocolates in November 2014. 

Combining the best Callebaut sustainably produced chocolate with fresh tasty fillings using local produce whenever possible. 

They work from home, producing small batches to ensure our chocolates are always fresh, trying new flavour combinations and always looking to build and improve our product. 

They are excited to have made their first batch of bean to bar chocolate; 70% Ghanian dark; vegan – described as ‘Lush’ by a customer and it is hoped their second batch will live up to this.

Rivington Chocolates can be found every month at Bolton Artisan Market and other local events.

What is your favourite cookery or food book or publication ?
The Good Housekeeping Step by Step Cook Book, I've had it since I was 18; its been very well used.

What sentence sums up Lancashire Food to you ?
Tasty,comforting and full of surprises.

If you weren’t doing what you do now, what would you like to be ?
A hippy or our cat Mo.

Which piece of kit could you not do without ?
I have a chocolate mould that is a beautiful domeshape- allows endless variations that look amazing.-

Who would join you at your ultimate dinner party and why?
Family and friends – always the most special times.

What advice would you give to your younger self ?
Be yourself, be yourself, be yourself.

Describe your style in three words
Classic, polished, and surprising.

What was your latest foodie gadget purchase ?
A grinder for making bean to bar chocolate

What is your greatest achievement to date ?
Rivington Chocolates and completing a triathlon

What is the worst mistake you have made ?
Not going with my instinct

Tell us a secret about yourself ? may be something we wouldn’t expect !
I'm a qualified scuba diver
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