Every wondered what to do with slightly manky banana's, the very spotty soft ones. Not one to waste food I have a number of recipes that I use to make the best use of these sweet fragrant goodies. This one is called a tea loaf even though it doesn't contain any tea. Its also pretty healthy too !
- 200g self raising wholemeal flour
- Salt / baking powder pinch
- 1tsp cinnamon
- 75g soft brown sugar
- 3 mashed bananas
- 75g polyunsaturated margarine melted ( use microwave)
- 100g raisins or chopped dates or other dried fruit 2 Eggs- lightly beaten
Place all ingredients except dried fruit in mixer or food processor, mix well until smooth and then add dried fruit. Pour into a lined and oiled 2lb loaf tin. Bake in a pre heated oven @ 160C for 1-1 1/4 hours, until cooked through when tested with a skewer. Cool on a wire rack
Delicious if left for a couple of days to mature in foil, could serve buttered or with cream cheese but that would not be as healthy !
Enjoy !