
Thursday 31 January 2013

Ferrero biscuits

Italian inspired biscuits, apparently chocolate hazlenut spread known the world over as Nutella was invented in Italian by a gentleman named "Ferrero" , who later used this ingredient in the ambassadors favourite chocloate Ferrero Rocher. These little biscuits use chocolate hazelnut spread as their source of chocolatelyness, very easy to make and bake.They are also a perfect foil to a delicious creamy prosecco, ideally served with quality vanilla ice cream or the classic  wobbly delight of pannacotta.

  • 3 tbsp chocolate hazelnut spread
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 3 tbsp soft brown sugar
  • 50g softened butter
  • 1 egg
  • 100g of sieved self raising flour
  • Orange rind, choc chips, raisins are all optional extras

  • Preheat your oven to 180c
  • Mix all ingredients together throughly in one bowl
  • Place dollops of your mixture on a ungreased baking tray
  • Squish them slightly to flatten with a fork
  • Bake for 15 - 25 minus until set but not coloured, cooking time depends on the size of your biscuits
  • Cool on a wire rack
  • Dust with icing sugar when cool or alternatively you could drizzle with chocolate


  1. These sound lovely, I love Nutella and noticed it is on special offer this week in Tesco. Looks like I'll be getting a jar so I can try these biscuits.

  2. Anonymous4:40 pm

    Aww Mr Ferrero passed away at the weekend so I think we all owe it to him to make these biscuits. Well that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!!


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